Reliable Fiduciary Services You Can Trust

Understanding how the legal system works can be complicated, especially when it comes to protecting what matters. Our private fiduciaries step in to represent your interests and help ensure that your health and finances are taken care of.

Giving You Peace Of Mind

Managing your medical, financial or daily needs can be challenging, especially if you are aging, living with disability or vulnerable to exploitation. At Elite Fiduciary Group, we can step in as court appointed guardians or conservators to protect your wealth, manage your health and ensure that you are living comfortably.

Our experienced private fiduciaries will make or assist in making decisions that ensure your level of protection aligns with your rights and unique needs. 

What Can We Do For You?

Putting your health and financial wellbeing first, our private fiduciaries in California protect you from financial abuse, undue influence and fraud by deciding:

  • Where you reside and where you can go.
  • Your personal rights within court order limitation for example, relationships, driving or cell phone use.
  • The medical treatment, you will receive to improve your health and wellbeing 
  • Who can have direct contact with you

We also manage your assets and investments to ensure that your living and medical arrangements remain within the limits of the resources you have available.  

Ready To Get Started?

Our professional fiduciaries are ready to protect you and ensure that all your needs are met. Tell us how we can help.